
Spotlight: Mister Miracle – The 9 Panel Grid Podcast: EPISODE 31

Join Jace and Manny in this weeks SPLASH PAGE segment, where they spotlight a character or series. This week’s choice is Mister Miracle. Who is currently being featured in a 12 issue mini series written by Tom King and artwork by Mitch Gerads. They take a moment to look into the characters past as one of the original New Gods characters created by the late Jack Kirby. Then they venture into the first 6 issues of King’s amazing series. Take a moment and listen in!

Splash Page – Mister Miracle #1-6 by 9 Panel Grid Podcast

9 Panel Grid

Episode 31

Splash Page – Mister Miracle

  1. Origin of Mister Miracle
  2. Mister Miracle #1-#6 – Writer – Tom King, Artist – Mitch Gerads
  3. Mister Miracle #1 Director’s Cut

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