
Star Wars: John Boyega Admits His Rise Of Skywalker Script Ended Up On Ebay

Earlier this week, J.J. Abrams spoke with mild irritation about a certain actor who left their Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker script under their bed, only for it to get discovered and put up on Ebay. Luckily for everyone involved, Disney and Lucasfilm were able to get the script removed from the auction website before things got out of hand, but we couldn’t help but wonder who the actor in question was who screwed up so royally.

Well, we didn’t have to wait too long for an answer, as John Boyega admitted it was him while speaking to Good Morning America.

“I was moving apartments and I left the script under my bed,” Boyega told the morning show. “I was just like, ‘You know what? I’ll leave it under my bed. When I wake up in the morning, I’ll take it and move.’ But my boys came over and, you know, we started partying a little bit, and then the script just, it just stayed there. Then a few weeks after … a cleaner comes in, finds the script and then puts it on eBay for like 65 pounds ($82). So the person didn’t know the true value.”

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It was a good thing that they found the script, as I’m sure the House of Mouse backlash could have been more than a little annoying for Boyega. That being said, with Star Wars now approaching the rearview mirror for the actor, it’s not the worst thing in the world. He’s already on board to star in a Netflix movie from Green Room director Jeremy Saulnier, and with him being so young, there would have been plenty of time to recover.

What do you think of Boyega and Disney narrowly avoiding spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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