
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Had Been Planned ‘From The Very Beginning’

I’ve really enjoyed both entries of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy so far from Disney. I know I’m the type of fan that seems to be a rarity these days (a fan that likes MOST of the Star Wars films? Gasp!), but I really have had a great time watching each one. Yes, even The Last Jedi. But if there is a criticism I understand, it’s fans’ frustration that they seemingly did not have a plan in place for each of these movies.

Ever since The Last Jedi hit, it has seemed like Lucasfilm admitted that they had no real vision, and that felt like they went up to the directors and basically said, “What do you wanna do? Go do that!” even if it did potentially divert how we assumed things would go in the next entry. But, according to actor Adam Driver, this is not the case.

“An overall arc was very, not vague, the opposite, it was very clear—[there was] an end in sight even from the very beginning. The details obviously hadn’t been worked out, but we had talked about the very thing that we’d been working towards with this last one.”

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This does seem to go against some of the comments from The Last Jedi writer and director Rian Johnson, who had apparently written the script before The Force Awakens even finished, but that being said, he could very well have made the script based on the arcs already set in place, so perhaps they really did have more a plan than we anticipated.

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SOURCE: Vanity Fair

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