
Stranger Things Featurette Highlights The Cinematography

It’s no secret that we are currently living in a Golden age of television. There are, of course, many factors to this: fantastic Long-form storytelling, an increase in TV budgets, and an increased faith in the showrunners. But of course, those aren’t the only factors that contribute to this. We can also point to the cinematography of a show’s reason for success — at least on some level.

This is especially true for Stranger Things, a Netflix series set in the 1980s that was inspired by some of the great films of the same decade. Months before the show even hit the streaming service, I was drawn to its look. It was dark yeah glossy, pulpy yet polished, and very much a style of its own.

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In a new featurette from Netflix, they delve into the mindset of the show creators, The Duffer Brothers, had when developing the show. After geeking out with cinematographer Tim Ives about films of the ’80s era that inspired them, it was clear that he was a good fit. They then went about researching what it was about that era that made the physical filmmaking memorable.

“There’s a style of camera movement. A style of lenses. All of these things we researched meticulously and tested,” Ives said in the featurette.

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SOURCE: Netflix

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