
The Equalizer 2’s Second Trailer Will Make You Go ‘Ouch’

It’s not every day that you get an A-list celebrity from breaking their longstanding streak of staying away from sequels. There are a handful of actors out there who avoid them at all costs, likely finding the acting process much less rewarding experience. One such actor is Denzel Washington, who made a point to stick to original projects — and it’s served him well.

However, it’s been reported in the past that Washington was indeed open to the idea of starring in more of a franchise vehicle, but it would have to be a good fit. In 2014, he starred in the Antoine Fuqua film The Equalizer, and a franchise character was born. It may have been four years in the making, but now we have The Equalizer II on its way, and it looks to be just as brutal as its predecessor.

In this new trailer, we get a decent amount of time dedicated to what I expect will be the opening action scene. Washington’s character, Robert McCall notices one of his rides is a woman with clear indications of rape. He heads back to the apartment of the men who sent the girl on her way, and proceeds to “equalize.”

Perhaps the most painful-looking moment is when he has one of the guys give the “live long and prosper” hand gesture before breaking those two middle fingers. The rest of the trailer pretty much serves as a sizzle reel, but having just spent a solid minute in that opening scenario, it really helps audiences to care for Robert and his mission, even if we missed his first film.

What did you think of this first trailer? let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Sony Pictures Entertainment

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