
The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser Brings A Clash Of Ice and Fire

The first teaser for the eighth and final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones has finally arrived. The above video is bittersweet in a way because it’s a sign that we are actually getting closer to the release of Season 8,  however, absent from the video is any actual footage from the show’s upcoming swan song. Instead, the video shows the iconic gameboard that appears during the opening sequence of the series.

This is poetic, harking back to the title of the novel series the show is based on, A Song of Ice and Fire. Meeting in the middle on the board, ice and fire finally meet. As I’ve said in other articles, all the pieces are on the board and set in position for what should prove to be an epic conclusion to arguably the greatest television show of all time.

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What is the meaning behind what happens to the game pieces? The dire wolf freezes, which makes sense. The dragon also freezes, not exactly sure what that’s implying, unless the White Walkers snag another one of Daenerys’ babies. And the symbol of House Lannister, the lion, burns, which doesn’t bode well for Cersei. There is no film or television show for which I am more excited for than Game of Thrones Season 8, no, not even Star Wars: Episode IX.

What do you make of what happened to the game pieces? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: GameofThrones

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