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The Mandalorian Chapter 14 Was Bad-Ass | Free Talk Friday

The Book of Boba Fett Season 2

This morning I got up and as per my usual Friday routine, watched The Mandalorian. I just have to say I thought The Mandalorian Chapter 14 was bad-ass. I’m not reviewing the episode here, but will be talking about all the cool things that happened, so it goes without saying that SPOILERS are apparent. Therefore,

The Mandalorian Chapter 14 SPOILER Warning!

That was such a fun episode. Short, but I was engaged and happy for the entire 30+ minute run time. I’m sure you’ve either seen Chapter 14 or don’t care about Spoilers. So when Slave 1 appeared I was like, ‘what is going to go down here?’. My mind was imaging some kind of confrontation between Mando and Fett, and whilst we did kinda get that, what we ended up with was so much cooler. Fett working with Fennec and Mando to defend Grogu from the Empire.

I was convinced we might not see Fett again until Season 3. I never once considered Fett teaming with Mando on a mission. Now, with the Razorcrest destroyed and Grogu imprisoned, Fett says he is in Debt to Dinn until Grogu is returned. By the way, Kyle Malone and I called the Grogu being captured this week angle. Remember to check out our thoughts after seeing Chapter 14 in The Cantina Podcast later today. Mando, Fett, Fennec and it looks like Mayfield coming next week all cutting about in Slave 1 on a rescue attempt, I’m in.


For years, I have always felt like Boba Fett had an undeserved reputation. Fett was supposed to be this bad-ass, and yet didn’t demonstrate any of that in the movies. Well Fett in The Mandalorian Chapter 14 was bad-ass. Initially, pre-armor he was skilled and brutal in his takedowns, and then he looks towards the ship and you know what’s coming. Cue true Boba Fett jetting in to send the Stormtroopers running scared. I thought the whole episode was like one giant set-piece and was directed fantastically by Robert Rodriguez. Rodriguez is not a director I’d ever connect with Star Wars but he does a great job in Chapter 14.

I also loved how neutral they made Fett, which he should be. Fett is not an anti-hero like Mando, who is now an ant0hero evolving into a heroic figure. But Fett could be a neutral character headed towards anti-hero and that’s an equally cool journey. Fett could remain purely neutral, and after helping Mando he goes back to taking any job on offer. However, the fact we have a Fett mini-series coming makes me think the journey to anti-hero could be on the cards. My son, after seeing Fett arrive just assumed he was going to be an antagonist. That’s the way Fett’s movie appearances painted him, but really he was just a Hunter doing his job. I kind had to explain that to him, and he began to understand what I meant. I.e. Fett was never an outright villain, though he had an antagonistic role in the movies.

The Final Word

I feel like The Mandalorian Chapter 14 was bad-ass because Fett was a bad-ass. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want to see three trained Hunters, one of which is Boba Fett, and maybe even a certain former Jedi take down those Darktroopers. Oh and it’s worth noting the most common Darktrooper theory was wrong. Gideon’s Darktroopers are droids like their EU origins. That means we still don’t fully know what Gideon has planned for little Grogu. The mystery deepens for now, and I love that at this stage.

What comes next? Mando has to fight Gideon Darksaber vs Beskar spear at some point right? But could Ahsoka show back up to help rescue Grogu and also fight Gideon? Could another Jedi appear, what really happened when Grogu was on that seeing stone? For one thing he seems more assured with his abilities, like he had an awakening of sorts in his mind. Will Mando recruit Bo-Katan and the other Mando’s, she is looking for Gideon herself after all?

Such a cool episode that had me geeking out and speculating wildly. Can’t wait to discuss this properly with Kyle later today. The Mandalorian Chapter 14 was bad-ass and finally so was Boba Fett. Leave your own thoughts below in the usual spot.

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