Metroid Prime Trilogy? Yes, please!
The Metroid franchise has been dormant for far too long. Sure, we got Metroid: Samus Returns a few years back, but that was simply a remake of the second one. Like many, I’ve been hungry to see Samus Aran return to the realm of 3D in another Metroid Prime game. In fact, Nintendo told us a couple of years ago that that was exactly what we’d be getting — a fourth entry in the beloved franchise. Sadly, in early 2019, they told us that development had been restarted, meaning we wouldn’t be getting much of anything from them for at least a couple of years.
It’s around that time that fans started to cry out for The Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Nintendo Switch. No, Nintendo couldn’t give us a sequel, but surely they had the ability to give us something to hold us over, right? The franchise is old and gray at this point, meaning the Switch version would be a perfect opportunity to introduce younger gamers. But well over a year has passed, and there has been no update on the Metroid Prime Trilogy release.
Until this past Sunday. As discovered by outlet vg 247, the Swedish retailer Inet had an interesting update. Their site had the release of the trilogy updated for June 19 of this year. Of course, as with all rumors, you need to take it with a grain of salt. There are plenty of retailers who have had dates for games pop up, only for nothing substantive to come of it. Every retailer deals with listings in a specific way, so this could be another one of those instances.
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However, it is quite telling that the listing has since been taken down. Plus, 2020 has been a “meh” year for Nintendo Switch fans. We’ve only had one true Nintendo Direct so far, and the latter half of the year is still one big question mark. If there was a year to release the Metroid Prime Trilogy, this would be it. Gamers are waiting for something to hold them over until the next big release, and you can’t go wrong with three amazing games.
Plus, it would bring Metroid back into the conversation again until next year, when they can hopefully show off some Metroid Prime 4 goodness. Hopefully.
What do you think of this latest rumor? Do you buy it? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: vg 247