
The Simpsons Coming To An End, Says Danny Elfman

All good things must come to an end. So goes the saying, and so goes the way of life. As great as any run may be, there comes a point where it’s time to pack it in and call it a day. Over the course of 31 seasons so far, The Simpsons has managed to evade such a fate. Sure, you have plenty of fans who contend that only the first half of the season is worth watching, but the show is continuously on the air, nonetheless, with no end in sight.

At least, that appeared to have been the case. Now, composer Danny Elfman has heard otherwise. 

“Well, from what I’ve heard, it is coming to an end,” Elfman said to Joe when discussing his career. “So, that argument will also come to an end. I don’t know for a fact, but I’ve heard that it will be in its last year.”

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While this may come as a shock to many fans of the long-running animated sitcom, it isn’t exactly a huge surprise. After all, Disney has been tightening the Fox belt after acquiring the studio earlier this year, cutting projects left and right and laying people off. It’d make sense for them to reevaluate what’s being done on The Simpsons and ultimately make the call.

But what do you think of all this? Do you buy it, and are you sad to see The Simpsons go? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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