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Too Important To Half-@#$ It: How Panty And Stocking Is Changing The Show | AVR: Midnight Run

Where Is The Spicy Anime?

Okay, so we had an idea too bring you spicy Anime reviews. That idea then morphed into the two puppet filled episodes we’ve done on Chobits and Domestic Girlfriend. However, when we decided to do Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, we ran into an issue. My desire for better. I selfishly attached a proof of work picture below even! SEE?!? We did the podcast, made the puppets, and even began filming. However, it all came crashing down because of lighting and the (what we called in the Army) good-idea fairy. That nagging voice that says “what if we did it this way instead?” That leaves us here, with yet another empty week, and we feel terrible about it.

Proof of AVR Midnight Run Work on Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt

How Will We Get More Spicy Anime?

So, What will we do about it? Well, we’re taking a break to prevent this from happening again. This break could be four to six weeks in order for us to learn proper lighting for puppets/action figures, get some props, and practice the SFX shot we had planned. Yeah, we had a pyrotechnic shot planned! We’re also going to get two or three episodes ahead in case of troubles. In the mean time the OG Anime-Versal Reviews Podcast will be on weekly on Sundays, and we’re already half-way through our first watch of the new (2018) Vision of Escaflowne dub. That was Christine’s pick, and we’re so proud of her for having one mecha-ish Anime she likes. Anyways, check out the last episode down below, please forgive us, and we promise that when we get back… we’ll give it to you just right… Starting with Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.

So, you think you like Anime? Well, hold on to your butts because it’s about to get Anime as f*** in here. AVR: Midnight Run delivers their Chobits review. However, this isn’t for kids. So, it’s time to put the little ones to bed, put a tie on the door, and let’s see some puppets talking about watching porno on android. Oh yeah…

ALSO SEE: A Sabrina Riverdale Crossover? Kiernan Shipka Returning For Special Episode

Do you have a suggestion for us to discuss? Is there a summer or fall seasonal Anime you suggest we review? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

Chobits Review- Hilariously Wholesome Dirtiness | AVR: Midnight Run

We have SO MANY podcasts! LRM’s No Mercy covers Cobra Kai and the Marvel craze continues on Marvel Multiverse Mayhem. Also, classics like BGRtP, The Cantina Podcast, and The Daily COG are still going!

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Question of the week: What suggestions do you have for the show? Also, are you excited for the eventual Panty and Stocking review?

  FOR FANBOYS, BY FANBOYS Have you checked out LRM Online’s official podcasts and videos on The Genreverse Podcast Network? Available on YouTube and all your favorite podcast apps, This multimedia empire includes The Daily CoGBreaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, GeekScholars Movie News, Anime-Versal Review Podcast, and our Star Wars dedicated podcast The Cantina. Check it out by listening on all your favorite podcast apps, or watching on YouTube! Subscribe on: Apple PodcastsSpotify |  SoundCloud | Stitcher | Google Play
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