
What Is The Memeing Of This? | Game Of Thrones Edition

Alright folks, are you ready for round two of What Is the Memeing of This? So this week, I’ve decided to go Game of Thrones with the meme theme. Even though the show isn’t currently airing, and won’t be for a while, I figured these may be a good way to hold fans over (Editor’s Note: As a California native, I wouldn’t have appreciated this growing up, but since I’ve moved further inland, I’ve gone through the difficulties of finding that perfect avocado. The struggle is real).

Obviously a play on the relationship of siblings Cersei and Jamie Lannister, which is a bit closer than most brothers and sisters, perhaps too close (Editor’s Note: Perhaps?). The look on Ser Jamie’s face is priceless, as this is a motto the Kingslayer certainly lives by (Editor’s Note: Are we ignoring the fact that the card is disturbing even without the Game of Thrones connection?).

Middle-Earth and Westeros collide in this mash-up of Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. The Stark girls are a little confused about their father’s mumblings. As most nerds already know, Sean Bean’s now famous line, “One does not simply walk into Mordor,” from The Fellowship of the Ring has itself become the basis of a meme. Is this a meme within a meme, memeception?

Lots of people like this meme, lots of… perfectly respectable, upstanding individuals. Jon Snow, of course, wants to send this card to Daenerys Targaryen, his Aunt (Editor’s Note: And lover…seriously, all the incest). The Hound would need more than one of these cards to get his much more offensive message out.

Tormund Giantsbane channeling his inner Bob Ross to express his unrequited love for Brienne of Tarth. The wildling warrior has been pursuing Brienne since the first moment he saw her, though she doesn’t seem to have the same feelings for him.

Has Daenerys been partaking in some of that famous Westerosi Kush? It sure looks that way. Everyone needs some sort of escape from the grind of the seven kingdoms, and it looks like Daenerys has found hers.

What did you think of this week’s memes? Let us know in the comments down below! And if you have an idea for a meme, shoot me an email at, and it could be included in future editions!

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