
Why Is There So Much Demand For The Snyder Cut And Is There Too Much Star Wars? | LRMornings

Why Is There So Much Demand For The Snyder Cut And Is There Too Much Star Wars? | LRMornings by The GenreVerse Podcast Network by LRM Online

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Start your day geek with LRMorningsLRM‘s daily morning show with Kyle and Jammer (or Christine) (or Brian). Join them as they discuss all things geek with a little news just for fun.

In today’s episode, Kyle and Brian discuss the Snyder Cut of Justice League and why there is such a thing as too much Star Wars.

Missed the last episode? Catch it here:

Ant-Man Vs Captain Marvel And Video Game Movies Are Terrible | LRMornings by The GenreVerse Podcast Network by LRM Online

Question of the day: Are you more or less excited about The Mandalorian after the latest trailer?

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