
Why Kevin Feige Doesn’t Want To Advise Other Producers On Replicating Marvel’s Success


To think ten years ago when Iron Man first hit the silver screen, that we’d be here now with the success of Marvel growing all the time, would be unthinkable. Sure, Iron Man was a great movie, and the after credit scene hinted at more to come, but it was not until Avengers in 2012 that Marvel blew up.

Now with usually three Marvel movies a year, and under the protection of parent company Disney, Marvel is dominating the box office. Even Disney’s other mega-franchise Star Wars must be looking on with envy as Marvel continues to get it right, not to mention rival studios such as DC at WB.

RELATED: Kevin Feige Says Marvel Will Continue To Explore Different Film Genres

A huge factor in the success of Marvel seems to be Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, you will struggle to find another producer that has had this many consistent hits across a 10 year period. It’s also why people keep suggesting Kevin Feige as the answer to everything. Rumors Kathleen Kennedy job is in jeopardy with Lucasfilm, “let’s get Kevin Feige in.” John Lasseter has stepped down at Pixar, “We want Feige.” There are even fans calling for someone at Warner Bros to pick up the phone and ask Feige how to fix the DCEU.

So what does Kevin Feige himself think, does he have any advice for any other studios or fellow producers? The Marvel boss gave his answer when speaking with Los Angeles Daily News.

“No, I’ve learned in my time being lucky enough to make movies, unless you’re in the thick of it, unless you’re in the shoes, you don’t know what’s going on. Advice doesn’t mean anything. Circumstances can be different everywhere, and to predict what an issue was or who’s doing what . . . I’m just not the kind of person to give advice to people. Because it’s all precarious, right? It’s all difficult, it’s all hard. All my time is spent trying to deliver the projects we’re overseeing and are in charge of. Many people, and particularly Disney, have had great success, success that rivals or surpasses our own. I want advice from them!”

I could imagine just how busy Feige is just with the upcoming Marvel movies. I’m sure with the success they have enjoyed, Disney wants Kevin Feige to stay right where he is.

What do you think of Feige’s comments? Sound off in the usual place below.

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SOURCE: Los Angeles Daily News

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