Image via Columbia Pictures

Image via Columbia Pictures

Hollywood’s heading back to the well yet again. Back in 1997, Columbia released Starship Troopers, a film from director Paul Verhoeven that told the story of a militaristic fascist-esque Earth taking on alien bugs. The movie itself definitely took an interesting, campy, tongue-in-cheek approach that didn’t quite click with everyone (and ultimately resulted in a mild loss at the box office). It was a bold, not-so-mainstream style, but as with many unique films, it secured itself as a cult hit among film fans.

THR is now reporting that the film is getting a reboot, and the studio has hired writers Mark Swift and Damian Shannon — who most recently took on the upcoming Baywatch movie, which star Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron.

But if you were a fan of the original film and were hoping it may contain a similar tone and style, you may be disappointed. The report was careful to point out that this would not be a remake of the first film, but will instead go back to the source novel of the same name, from writer Robert A. Heinlein. Like pretty much everything nowadays, the purpose of this movie will be to kickstart a new franchise.

It’s easy to write of these reports nowadays. Hollywood is always in search of the next big semi-familiar property they can repackage and ship off to consumers, but given how different the 1997 film was from the book, there’s a lot of unexplored territory for them to utilize should they decide to be more faithful. Given the relatively small number of military science fiction out there in Hollywood, however, it seems like a potentially risky proposition for the studio. Then again, by the same token, they could be taking advantage of an underserved market, and so long as they ensure Starship Troopers isn’t a garbage movie, this could be the start of something pretty interesting.

What do you think? Do you hate the fact that they’re remaking Starship Troopers? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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