The Book Of Boba Fett Episode 1 Review – A Cross Between Lean, Leone And Harryhausen

Actor Temuera Morrison says Boba Fett was in Mando Season 4, but that he is not in The Mandalorian and Grogu movie.

It’s arrived on Disney+, therefore here is my The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1 review. I’m going to try and stay away from anything too spoiler filled here folks, though that’s not always easy. I said in the title this was a cross between David Lean, Sergio Leone and Ray Harryhausen, let me explain what I mean. We’ll start with Lean. The famous director of Lawrence of Arabia defined shooting in a desert landscape and there are some shots in The Book of Boba Fett, and scenes, which show director Robert Rodriguez was a fan. Then again, is there a filmmaker who didn’t care for Lawrence of Arabia?

In the same vein I am reminded somewhat (Leone) of The Good the Bad and the Ugly. The dialogue in this opening episode is minimal, as is the current timeline plot. Instead we get a lot of body language acting throughout, especially from star Morrison. Whilst I might need to see more in Episode 2, I did enjoy this opening. As for that reference to Ray Harryhausen, that’s where my brain went when a new creature makes its Star Wars debut in this episode. I’m not sure if my comparison to Ray Harryhausen here is a good thing though? I felt like the CGI on this critter was a little shaky. Though I’m sure I won’t be the only one who gets a Harryhausen vibe from that sequence, for good or bad.

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Overall I’m intrigued and enjoyed what I’ve seen so far of The Book of Boba Fett. However, as I said up top, plot remains minimal at this point and the bulk of this opening episode is taken up with flashbacks. That’s as has been rumored and speculated upon for some time. Here I kind enjoyed the flashbacks more than the current timeline. However so little happens beyond what we already know from the trailers and the premise of the show, that’s unsurprising.

Robert Rodriguez also clearly lied when he said all trailer footage was from the first half of Episode 1. There were actually many moments in those trailers which were not shown in this debut episode.

Finally, I want to say that my fear the entire plot had been leaked proved to be unfounded. A supposed plot leak I saw recently had a few details which I had heard already. Though I’ll point out we were not allowed to say anything and that’s not changed. However, it’s clear it was all just lucky fan fiction. That Episode 1 description was fundamentally different from what I watched today. Good, I hate knowing it all up front. Prevents speculation.

Overall, I wasn’t blown away, but I was entertained and I am happy to see more of Fett and Shand together, they really do have a certain chemistry with one another that works. However I certainly won’t say The Book of Boba Fett is a hit until I’ve seen a little more to make my mind up.

GRADE: Solid B+

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