House of the Dragon Season 2 Episodes 6 & 7 Review – This Is Where The Budget Went

It seems George R. R. Martin i.e. GRRM  was not very happy with House of the Dragon Season 2.

Here is my House of the Dragon Season 2 Episodes 6 & 7 review and it’s clear this is where the budget went this year. I expect, like most of you that will also be true of next week’s Season finale. However, I had noticed a smaller scale to most episodes this season and I think these last three of Season 2 are the reason why.

I apologise for not reviewing Episode 6 last week. However, I literally just watched it for the first time today alongside Episode 7, as I was on vacation last week. I do actually feel though that watching these two back to back was worthwhile. I actually may have possibly given a lower grade for Episode 6 if I had had time to stew on it before seeing the next one. Realistically there’s not a ton of really good drama in Episode 6. No stand out scenes of writing, a few decent scenes, but it really all felt like set up. One or two very visually nice scenes though. I’ll go through them one at a time and as usual NO SPOILERS.

Episode 6

Episode 6 ultimately sets out to explore the smallfolk and how this war of nobles affects them. In some ways, there are one or two small moments in Episode 7 which do a better job with less. As said above, when it comes to character drama, and acting there isn’t as much to shout about in 6, which is unusual for this show. At the same time as attempting to showcase the plight of the smallfolk, Episode 6 also sets up the true military importance of the dragons in this war.

As usual, Team Green are the more interesting watch. I think the show struggles at times to give Rhaenyra material because GRRM didn’t actually write that much about what she was doing at this stage of the war. The events of the Greens, and even Daemon are more well documented in the books and easier to work around. In terms of moving the basic plot along we have Aemond planning and cementing his rule in his brothers absence. Meanwhile Rhaenyra has a few bold plans to try and swing the balance of power back in her favour.

In terms of the smallfolk perspective, I feel the idea is to show not how one side cares for them and the other does not. Yet that may be how it appears on first watch. The truth is more simple, one side has factored in that the smallfolks must be kept compliant. Whereas, the other side has just assumed compliancy no matter what. Though it’s not till Episode 7 that we really get confirmation this is clearly the case.

Get to the Point

In terms of my pros and cons for this week… the higher  budget made for some very nice shots in Episode 6. There really are some visually stunning moments. One involving some drama in Kings Landing which pulls back and gives you a real sense of scale. Other moments had dragons and we know they cost when on screen. The dragon scenes are frankly excellent and it’s only knowing Episode 7 takes it to the next level that prevents me praising them too much.

As for the cons, is anyone else getting a bit fed up of Daemon in Harrenhall, tripping out his head? I know this follows the same plot of the books, and they need to explain what Daemon is up to as all the other events unfold during his stay. However, I feel like the writers may have been struggling a little by Episode 6. Though, we did get to see Vizzy T (Paddy Consadine) again, even if only in Daemon’s head. There’s also a romantic scene in Episode 6, which I just didn’t get. It felt out of place for the characters, and unless used to create some drama down the line I cannot foresee, felt a bit pointless.

Overall, Episode 6 is one of the weaker episodes for pure drama, but quite visually pleasing. It also sets the table for a bit of a feast in Episode 7.

GRADE: Solid B

Episode 7

Okay, this one was pretty good. Episode 6 may not be a classic, but it does set the stage for everything that happens in 7. In terms of plot, nothing much has changed from what I said about Episode 6. Rhaenyra is still enacting some bold plans, but things accelerate somewhat. Back in camp Green, plans are all going as expected, for now. There are rumors of what team Black are up to, but no one thinks them worthwhile. Yet, Episode 7 is also a pivotal turning point in the war. This arms race takes a new turn in more ways than one.

What works in Episode 7 is, dragons. I won’t spoil, but if you love the dragons then there’s a lot for you in Episode 7 and it’s again noticeable how much this one must have cost. I especially enjoyed the visual shift in dynamics we get in the closing scene. Some might think it a slightly cheesy moment. However, I think a show like this earns its little moments to be a tad Hollywood, when necessary. I enjoyed it immensely.

As said in my Episode 6 review, I also think Episode 7 takes the seeds sown in Episode 6 regarding the smallfolk and really puts the bite in. There are some scenes at play here which many may miss some of the subtlety of the writing. A few comments here, a reaction there, and we truly see how these highborn Royals view those below them.

RELATED: House Of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 5 Review. The One With Plots

Oh, and finally Daemon gets some interesting scenes. Oscar Tully was brilliant this episode and both the writing and the young actor were a match for Daemon. It seems we may finally be moving on from trippy, messed up Daemon and working towards some actual character progression. Matt Smith is still brilliant as Daemon, I just felt that in 6 we ran out of steam with the flashbacks.

When it comes to my cons this week. Really, I have but one criticism, and it’s barely an inconvenience. We wated about 6-7 minutes of runtime in Episode 7 following Allicent. Her travels were boring, not plot relevant, and hardly contain any dialogue. I mean what was the thematic point of showing her swimming in the lake? I love my wide cool shots, but even I can’t say that was anything but an attempt to eek out the runtime. Thankfully, they are split up and over quickly.

Really, it’s such a good episode that upon rewatch I’ll probably skip when I see her pop up. It really was a bizarre choice. Just shave 7 minutes off the episode and not have Allicent there this week. Maybe it’s a contractual thing the actor has to be in every episode?

That should not however play a major factor in my grade.

I flip flopped around this one, but after careful consideration… Just remember, this is my taste. You may think this is the best episode of the entire show so far, especially if you’re into the dragons.


As always, let me know what you thought of my House of the Dragon Season 2 Episodes 6 & 7 review? Or, let me know what you thought of either episode. What are your hopes for the Season finale? Thoughts below as always.

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