The X-Men franchise continues its successful run, drawing in both longtime fans and those returning to the fold. This January, Marvel is set to deliver an exciting new entry for readers with X-Men: Xavier’s Secret #1. This one-shot collection brings together the first six issues of X-Men: From the Ashes, originally released as part of the Infinity Comic series on Marvel Unlimited, penned by Alex Paknadel and illustrated by Diógenes Neves.
In X-Men: Xavier’s Secret #1, two pivotal stories delve into the past actions and decisions of iconic X-Men figures—Professor X, Cyclops, and Jean Grey—that have shaped their present. The first tale focuses on Jean Grey’s final moments on Earth before embarking on the galaxy-spanning adventures now explored in Stephanie Phillips and Alessandro Miracolo’s Phoenix series. The second sheds light on Professor Xavier’s hidden misdeeds during the Fall of the House of X, revealing how these transgressions will lead to a monumental showdown in the upcoming “Raid on Graymalkin” crossover event.
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As the X-Men struggle with the aftermath of Krakoa’s fall, their fates are uncertain. Jean Grey and Cyclops face a personal turning point on their last night together, uncovering a mystery that could drive them apart. Meanwhile, journalist Sally Floyd’s simple exposé on Professor X’s wartime actions takes an unexpected twist, raising the stakes for the entire team.
With the X-Men’s new era hanging in the balance, the past threatens to cast long shadows over their future. Can they rise above these challenges, or will they be engulfed by their own history?
Check out the exclusive cover art by Martín Cóccolo, and be sure to preorder X-Men: Xavier’s Secret #1 at your local comic shop. For more details, visit