While Alita: Battle Angel didn’t exactly set any records at the box office, I think it was a crucial step forward for anime and manga Hollywood adaptations. Not only did the movie manage to bring in enough money to justify its existence with $408.8 million (maybe not quite enough to break even, but many were pegging this to be a huge disaster, which it wasn’t), but it also struck a chord with many fans of the animation and manga medium. It was as if, for the first time, someone in Hollywood understood the aspects of manga that fans found appealing.
Of course, you have to give credit to director Robert Rodriguez, but you also can’t discount producer James Cameron, who did a solid amount fo preemptive work that helped inspire Rodriguez and propelled him through production. Speaking with us earlier this year, Rodriguez discussed his desire to create the film as a James Cameron movie.
RELATED – Robert Rodriguez Up For Alita Sequel
This idea is reiterated in a new bonus feature video for the film, which you can see below.
Also highlighted in the featurette, which will be a part of the home release next month, is the progression of the concept art, which interestingly enough, was largely pulled directly from the manga. They even went to great lengths to replicate many frames of the manga straight to the big screen. As someone who’s read the manga and seen the film, I’m shocked at all those details I missed.
What do you think of the featurette? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: 20th Century Fox