Is there another Hollywood strike on the way? I certainly hope not, but that’s the possible news coming out across this weekend. As per Variety‘s report IATSE and Teamsters are proposing to strike if they don’t get the deal they are looking for. Here is what the trade had to say.
‘Hollywood union leaders warned of the possibility of another strike this summer if the studios cannot reach a deal before crew contracts expire on July 31.’
‘Speaking to a rally of more than 2,000 crew members on Sunday at Woodley Park in Encino, Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters, said the unions should commit to withhold their labor — and not grant an extension — if a deal is not agreed by the deadline.’
“We are not afraid to strike,” O’Brien said. “If these greedy corporations — whether it’s Amazon, Netflix, Sony… Disney — if they choose not to reward our members, they are putting themselves on strike. We will put them on their back, on their knees, begging for mercy.”
Strong words, but not quite as strong from IATSE International president Mathew Loeb. Loeb was quoted as saying, “There’s enough to go around.” ahead of negotiations set to begin today.
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Of course perhaps this time the Studios will just acquiesce to the demands made and there will be no strike. I mean we all know those studios are never greedy with the profits they make… Problem studios will face is that coming off the back of writers and actors strike already, Hollywood needs to get back to business. Realistically another strike now would put the studios at a major disadvantage. I’m not sure they can afford to play hard ball on this one?
Let’s just pray that the studios execs don’t make the wrong call on this one or we can write off the 20’s as the decade when Hollywood stopped making products.
What do you think, is there another Hollywood strike on the way? Thoughts below as always.