
Avengers: Empire Shows Off Six Covers Featuring Our Heroes & Thanos!

As evidenced by the amazing advance ticket sales the film is making, the hype is very real for Avengers: Infinity War. And why shouldn’t it be? Not only will we be seeing dozens of superheroes teaming up against the powerful foe known as Thanos (a foe they’ve been teasing since 2012), but it’s the latest in what’s been a consistently strong universe.

In anticipation of this, some outlets have been able to release variant covers for their latest issue. In the past, we’ve reported on EW‘s covers, but today, we’re here to talk about six new covers from Empire Magazine.

The first cover has Iron Man, Cap, Black Widow, and Shuri gracing the cover, with each sporting newer, shinier outfits. Iron Man’s appearance is most striking, and Cap’s new shield is on full display.

Next up is Doctor Strange, Drax, Scarlet Witch, and Okoye. Is it just me, or does Scarlet Witch look a bit off?

Black Panther leads the next cover in an image that sports White Wolf (formerly The Winter Soldier), Nebula, and War Machine.

Thor leads this next cover. Rocket and Groot are off to the side, and on the other are Mantis and Vision.

The final hero cover features Star-Lord, Gamora, Hulk, Spider-Man, and Falcon.

With this last image, we get a nice shot of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet — and from the looks of it, there are indeed only two gems installed…Infinity War will be quite the hunt indeed!

What do you think of the new covers? Sound off down below!

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SOURCE: Empire

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