Batman Will Not Appear In Penguin Series Says Matt Reeves

It seems another spin-off series from The Batman was hinted at by The Penguin producer.

According to creator Matt Reeves, Batman will not appear in the upcoming Penguin series on Max. Given the events of Penguin are set after The Batman, it is conceivable that Bats would show up. However, it seems like all other Gotham based TV series since the 60’s, we won’t actually see Batman. As per SFX Magazine/Games Radar.

“I don’t feel like it’s missing something fundamental,” says The Batman director Matt Reeves, clearly feeling no pressure to flash the Bat-signal. “I feel like it’s an extension of what is fundamentally there. We know this is the world of Batman.”

“You’re going down a different alley. So the spectre of Batman is there,” he says. “The spectre of the Riddler is there. The spectre of everything that happens in the last movie is there. It informs it. And it’s exactly where we begin.”

“What does that do to your storytelling, taking Batman out of Batman’s world? “I understand why people’s desire would be to have Batman, or to think that unless Batman’s in a show or a film then it doesn’t have the same punch,” Penguin writer/showrunner Lauren LeFranc adds.

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“To me I think it packs a different punch. Matt’s films are through the lens of the Batman, so you’re high up, looking down on the city. It’s a different perspective. With Oz, you’re in the city streets, you’re in the grit and the muck and the grime. He’s looking up, wanting to claw his way to the top.”

I get that the temptation is to follow Batman on not the lead character. However, for me it would be neat to see a little glimpses of Bats here and there, just not directly focused on Oz. Oh well, it is what it is I guess?

What do you think as Matt Reeves says Batman will not appear in the upcoming Penguin series on Max? Thoughts below, same Bat Time, same Bat Chat.

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