Big Bang Theory Star Jim Parsons Comments On Series Ending

Earlier this week, it was announced that the long-running sitcom The Big Bang Theory would be ending after its 12th season, which is set to premiere next month. The news came after one of its star, Jim Parsons, who plays Sheldon Cooper in the show, decided to walk away from the show after its decade-plus-long run.

It was by no means a bad departure by the actor, but from the sound of the report, he was just ready to move on, which is definitely understandable — even if he walked away from an ungodly amount of money to do so. For the first time since its announcement, Parsons has responded to this news in an Instagram post, saying:

“I feel very fortunate that we have another 23 episodes to shoot this season because I am hopeful that with each and every one, my level of REALLY accepting this fact will sink in. Something else I feel grateful for – and this gratitude needs no time to ‘sink in’ or become more ‘realized;’ this grateful-feeling is always with me but is multiplied in this moment of us announcing our final season – but I feel such intense gratitude for our devoted viewers who are the ACTUAL reason we have been graced with the opportunity to explore these characters for 12 years of our lives.”

RELATED – Why The Big Bang Theory Is Ending

After spending so many years on a TV show, I can’t help but wonder what is in store for Parsons and the rest of the cast. Will they each fall into new TV shows, go on to film careers, or simply live off their hard-earned millions for the foreseeable future. That’ll be VERY interesting to see.

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SOURCE: Jim Parsons

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