Bobbi Kitten, Ori Segev, and Noah Dixon on Indie Music Thriller with Poser | Tribeca 2021 [Exclusive Interview]

Poser with Sylvie Mix and Bobbi Kitten; directed by Ori Segev and Noah Dixon

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However, downright taking someone’s music and life is not in the music world with Poser.

The film stars newcomers Sylvie Mix and Bobbi Kitten in this slow burn thriller in the backdrop of the underground indie music scene from the directors Ori Segev and Noah Dixon. It’ll certainly question on who you should bring into your life.

Here’s the official synopsis for Poser:

Lennon exists timidly on the sidelines of the thriving Columbus, Ohio indie music scene, yearning for a personal connection that might shepherd her into the inner sanctum of warehouse concerts, exclusive backstage, house parties, and the cutting-edge art scene. As she fuels her desire for entrée into a podcast featuring live music and conversations with the artists she so fervently admires, Lennon finds inspiration for her own musical ambitions…and a growing sense of misdirected identity. Enter Bobbi Kitten, an enigmatic, striking and talented half of a popular, indie pop duo, who takes Lennon under her confident wing—unwittingly entangling herself in a dark obsession.

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LRM Online’s Gig Patta chatted with actress/singer Bobbi Kitten and the directors Ori Segev and Noah Dixon for the film. We talked about the indie music scene, coming up with original music, and filming many of the scenes like music videos.

Bobbi Kitten is the front woman for the duo named Damn the Witch Siren in the electronic music scene of Columbus, Ohio. Their act utilizes a hybrid of electronic pop and punk rock with synchronized lights and fog machines. In February 2018, they released their full-length album Red Magic about feminism, sex, lust, love, and setting fire to the patriarchy. Two years later in May 2020, they release the album White Magic to push their sound in a more textural, intimate direction.

Poser made its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival 2021.

Watch the exclusive interview with Bobbi Kitten, Ori Segev, and Noah Dixon below. Let us know what you think.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive

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