The following article contains potential SPOILERS for Captain Marvel, read on at your own risk. You have been warned.
With Captain Marvel promotional material flooding out of Marvel HQ in the past few days, we are starting slowly to get a better picture of how this film may play out when it hits theaters on March 8th. Of course, we don’t want to know too much, but it feels like executive producer Jonathan Schwartz has given us a little something to speculate over.
Collider attended a roundtable with Captain Marvel directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, and also with executive producer Jonathan Schwartz. And when asked if Captain Marvel‘s story was told in a linear way here is what Schwartz said.
“It is and it isn’t. I don’t want to get into that too much because there’s a few cool surprises along the way. But yes and no. Sorry.”
Normally I’d call this non-committal by Schwartz, but when paired with the potential SPOILERS revealed by Nick Fury actor Samuel L. Jackson (check out the related section below). It makes me wonder if we should be putting them both together?
RELATED: Samuel L. Jackson Casually Reveals That Captain Marvel Can…[SPOILERS]
Jackson mentions that Carol Danvers has the ability to travel through time. Now this could be a case of interpretation, but it could also be a massive clue when paired with Schwartz vague statements on the linearity of Captain Marvel‘s story. It is possible that time travel could be a factor in the story of Captain Marvel, in which case it could fall into the category of “is and isn’t linear” and what if one of these “cool surprises” is the time travel aspect of the movie?
I get that I am heavily speculating here, but I can’t be the only one who read this quote and put these two unrelated quotes together?
Is it possible that Carol Danvers has to change her own past somehow in the movie? In fact this very ability could be the main reason that Fury sends word to Danvers after the events of Infinity War and yet didn’t do so for anything else, why? Because every other time The Avengers won, this time, in Infinity War, they lost. Perhaps Fury is calling Cap Marvel to have her use her abilities to change the outcome?
To be fair that does all sound a little easy and I’m sure it’s far more complicated than that…IF it’s even a factor at all?
What do you think of Schwartz comments, am I wildly off base here or hitting the nail on the head. You can decide and let us know in the usual place below.
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SOURCE: Collider