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Crunchyroll Releases New Trailer for Original Series, Onyx Equinox

Onyx Equinox

Crunchyroll releases a dark new trailer for their original series, Onyx Equinox. And boy is it graphic!

Just in time for Halloween, Crunchyroll released a dark trailer and more details about their upcoming Crunchyroll Original series Onyx Equinox. While the story highlights a young protagonist, the animation shows a seriously adult side of the series. Graphic content lies ahead, you have been warned!

As seen in the trailer, the journey to save humanity is not going to easy for Izel and his friends Yaotl, a jaguar-like emissary of Tezcatlipoca, the powerful warrior Zyanya, the twins Yun and K’in, and the priestess Xanastaku. The gore is going to be intense in this series. The detail in the cheetah ripping apart the other is brutal. I’m hooked.

“Viewers of Onyx Equinox can expect an adult story, both in terms of on-screen action and the themes we tackle throughout the series,” said Sofia Alexander, creator and showrunner. “We’re going to journey with Izel as he is forced to save a world he doesn’t believe he has a place in, coming face to face with both the darkness in the world and within himself.”


Ahead of the series premiere next month, Crunchyroll also revealed an expanded synopsis for Onyx Equinox

“The gods are at war for the future of humanity, and an Aztec boy named Izel finds himself caught in the middle of their dangerous game. In order to save humankind, he must complete an impossible task—closing the five gates to the underworld. Izel reluctantly agrees, but only after learning his quest will also correct a terrible tragedy. His journey to become humanity’s champion will be one of hope and despair, of trust and betrayal, where Izel must confront his own darkness and decide if the human race–with all its flaws and contradictions–is worth saving.”

Character Info

In case you wanted some stats on each of the characters, Crunchyroll has got you covered. Crunchyroll also revealed more about each of the main characters, which can be found below (including their blood type, which is fitting with today’s trailer!).

Onyx Equinox_Izel

Izel: [ eats – zell ] – Humanity’s reluctant hero. Tasked with closing the five gates of the underworld. 

  • Sun Sign: Pisces
  • Birthday: March 13th
  • Height: 5’1″
  • Blood Type: O

Zyanya: [ ziannia ] – A warrior with a powerful ability, seeks to restore her destroyed city. 

  • Sun Sign: Virgo
  • Birthday: September 4th
  • Height: 5’10
  • Blood Type: A

Xanastaku: [ sha – NAS – tah – coo ] – A priestess in Izel’s party. Desires to redeem her dark past. 

  • Sun Sign: Scorpio
  • Birthday: November 10th
  • Height: 5’4″
  • Blood Type: A

Yun: [  june ] – K’in’s more individualistic twin. The emotional core of Izel’s group. 

  • Sun Sign: Gemini
  • Birthday: June 6th
  • Height: 5’7″
  • Blood Type: AB

K’in: [ kinn ] – Yun’s mischievous, risk-taking twin who often takes jokes too far.

  • Sun Sign: Gemini
  • Birthday: June 6th
  • Height: 5’7″
  • Blood Type: AB

Onyx Equinox premieres November 21 only on Crunchyroll. The series is one of many Crunchyroll Original series that have launched so far this year including the high energy competition series The God of High School and the dark fantasy Tower of God. I highly recommend both of those, if you have yet to check them out.

Onyx Equinox was created by executive producer and showrunner Sofia Alexander and the series will be dubbed in Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, and German at launch.

What do you guys think of the trailer? What other anime are you currently watching or looking forward to premiering? Let us know in the comments below!

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