When Warner Bros. announced an upcoming slate of DC films a couple years back, it seemed long overdue. For years up until that point, they’d allowed Marvel Studios to clean up at the box office with their Cinematic Universe, and them actually giving some sort of response was a long time coming. That being said, I don’t think anyone could have predicted the incredibly ambitious nine-film slate they ultimately announced.
On the list of initial films were:
- Batman v Superman
- Suicide Squad
- Wonder Woman
- Justice League
- The Flash
- Aquaman
- Shazam
- Justice League 2
- Cyborg
- Green Lantern
While this is quite the ambitious slate here, if you’ve noticed, over the past year, the universe as a whole has been in a strange state of flux. The Batman was confirmed as an upcoming film, and then films like The Flash and The Batman have faced delay after delay. In short, all the films after Justice League — save for Aquaman — seemed to slowly peel away from the slate, with their fates being held in question. This includes the Cyborg film, which was originally set to hit some time in 2020.
RELATED: Warner Bros. Reportedly Waiting On Justice League’s Performance Before Moving Forward
For the longest time, given the state of the DCEU, we’ve had our doubts that they’d even make it this far. However, if we’re to believe actor Joe Morton (who plays Dr. Silas Stone in Justice League), we may have been wrong. When asked by ComicBookMovie, about the state of the Cyborg movie, Morton said:
“As far as I know it is still happening. I believe, although I’m not entirely sure, that it should start sometime around 2020. That seems to be a wonderful metaphoric year for these Cyborgs.”
Of course, this is just the word of an actor, and if we’ve learned anything in Hollywood, it’s that actors are usually the last ones to know things when it comes to movies coming down the pipe. That being said, we can’t rule his word out altogether, as he does have a tad more insight into things than a good many others do.
However, even if he is right, we know that things can change at the drop of a hat. If Cyborg is poorly received in Justice League, you can rest assured that the bigwigs over at Warner Bros. will have no problem with dropping that movie from the slate. At the end of the day, the studio has proven that the DCEU is an ever-malleable entity that conforms to the desires of the audience.
What do you think? Will a Cyborg film ever hit theaters? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: ComicBookMovie