I know. Can you imagine the Merc With a Mouth actually being the Merc With a Son? Well, guess what? It almost happened. Not sure if you’ve been able to infer the basic premise of the plot, but in the upcoming Deadpool 2, it looks like the main drive of the narrative here is that Cable is out to kill a young mutant named Russell, played by Julian Dennison.
Deadpool seems to be working to protect him on the orders from his girlfriend Vanessa, who, in the trailer, talks about kids makes them better. You can kind of already see that they’re going for a father-son angle between Deadpool and Russell, but apparently, they weren’t quite ready to go all-in on it.
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Speaking with EW, Deadpool 2 actor Ryan Reynolds discussed the origin of the project.
“The genesis of it was ‘What if Deadpool had a child?’ Like, what if we started five years later and what would that be like? By page 1.5 it was totally untenable. We were just like, ‘Nope. Nope. No, no, no. This is never, ever going to work.’ We went back to the drawing board and kind of reworked it in a way about wanting to have a child, which is something that so many people I know experience on a daily basis — wanting to have a child but can’t. We wanted the emotion, the pain, to take everything away from this guy, put him in a position of being the underdog.”
Ouch. So what does that mean for Deadpool losing everything? I’ve had my concerns from the very beginning, but I can foresee a film that, after Vanessa tells him she wants kids, is killed horrifically, thereby putting Deadpool in a daddy-hungry mood (that sounded dirtier than I intended). It’s indeed a bit tragic, but Deadpool has always been built on tragedy. Though, keep in mind, that last bit is all speculation on my part.
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SOURCE: EW (Print)