From Stars Rebels to The Lego Movie and Robot Chicken, Billy Dee Williams has been keeping his Lando Calrissian sharp, in vocal form. But what about in-the-flesh? There has long been talk that Williams would join other Original Trilogy stars in the new films. While talking about his work on Rebels, he was asked about this possibility and his response implies that there’s definitely something to the murmurs.
First of all, would he do it? “Oh, sure,” says the actor. He loves being associated with the character. “I’m with that character every year. I go out on the road and do these conventions, so that character is perpetually with me. I’m never without that character at some point or another. Lando is very much a part of my life,” tells Cinelinx.
When asked, specifically, about playing the character in a live-action capacity alongside the likes of Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill again, the actor gets a little coy. “I may very well…I have a feeling I’m going to show up. There’s nothing I can really discuss about it at this stage,” Williams says.
The actor continued, “People think of me as the original cast, but I didn’t come in until the second movie. I did ‘Empire’ and then I did ‘Return of the Jedi,’ but I came in after everyone else was introduced…So I think they’re probably proceeding in that way. I can’t imagine them not bringing Lando back. But we’ll see, I don’t know.“
So while this pretty much confirms that the actor won’t appear in Episode VII: The Force Awakens, it leaves the door wide open for some sort of appearance in the later films.
SOURCE: Cinelinx