As per Moon Knight head scribe Jeremy Slater, Echo was almost Moon Knight’s love interest in early versions of the script. Appearing on Ringerverse’s House of R podcast this week (1:55:00 mark), Slater shared with co-host Joanna Robinson some of the original pitch ideas for Moon Knight.
“There were a lot of specifics in the pitch that didn’t wind up working in the show,” Slater said. For example, “Bushman was initially going to be the main villain,” as the mercenary memorably was in some of the Moon Knight comic book runs. “I thought he was going to be possessed by an Egyptian god by the end of it, and you’d have a big sort of avatar battle.”
However an even bigger change was Echo.
“At the time, Echo was go to be our love interest, solely based on the fact that they knew Marvel liked the character of Echo and was trying to find a show to put her in,” Slater shared. And though Echo aka Maya Lopez was among Marc’s love interests in the comic books, “she didn’t work at all for the story we were telling,” Slater explained.
“They (Marvel) were like, ‘You know what, we’ve got this Hawkeye show and we feel like she would fit in a lot better there…,’” the EP related, “and we were like, ‘Oh, thank God.’”
RELATED: Devery Jacobs Cast In Echo Series From Marvel
Thank Zeus indeed. Echo whilst a smaller part of the show, felt at home within Hawkeye. I really can’t see how the character would have worked within Moon Knight. I much prefer that we got Layla instead. Clearly the Echo show has always been planned, but Marvel wanted the character introduced elsewhere first. I think in the end most fans will agree that Marvel made the correct call.
Alaqua Cox will reprise her role as Echo within the show of the same name. Also expected to feature are Vincent D’ Onofrio as Fisk/Kingpin and Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil. Another name I have heard mentioned is Kirsten Ritter’s Jessica Jones. However I’m not as confident of that one as I am the former two stars showing up.
The last we saw of Echo she was putting a bullet in Wilson Fisk. The viewer was left to guess Fisk’s fate. Hwoever, Given the classic comic book runs? Well, you don’t bring Kingpin into the MCU proper just to kill him off, right? Therefore I think we can say Fisk survived.
What do you think of Slater’s comments that Echo was almost Moon Knight’s love interest? Thoughts below or on Discord as always.