Though what Harvey Weinstein did was completely terrible and should never be forgiven, the sale of his company has led to at least one positive thing, for Frank Miller at least.
The Hollywood Reporter, um, reports that Frank Miller has regained the rights for both film and television of Sin City, the stylized noir book he released in 1991, that was adapted for the big screen in 2005 and 2014.
Miller now has the rights to develop a Sin City television show (“It doesn’t feel like a movie. How about a TV show?”) as well as the film rights to 2005’s Sin City movie due to a new settlement. It is a result of the $289 million sale of Weinstein Co. to Lantern Capital Partner.
Miller initially objected to Sin City being part of the sale, and in this settlement he and Lantern have agreed TV rights and rights to the first film will not be part of the sale. This settlement does NOT apply to Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. I guess no one wanted that film, after all.
I also think a Sin City TV show is a better idea than a sequel in the first place. Picture it on Netflix or HBO, the latter of which is developing another iconic comic writer’s Watchmen. Not a bad idea right?
Whatever happens to Sin City next, it is always great when a creator of something can wrestle back the rights from a film studio holding it hostage. Because, like Marvel selling characters to Fox, Sony, and Universal long before the MCU, a lot of comics properties were sold in desperation during a time when they weren’t so hot, and many creators were taken advantage of in that market.
Do you want to see Sin City adapted into a TV show, or is it fine for Miller to just have it back, but let it rest? Let us know in the comment section below!
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