Production for the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved 2003 comedy “Freaky Friday” has officially begun in Los Angeles. Set to hit theaters nationwide in 2025, the film sees the return of Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan as the unforgettable mother-daughter duo, Tess and Anna Coleman.
The sequel looks to rekindle the magic of the original film, which became a hit over two decades ago. Alongside Curtis and Lohan, several familiar faces will return to the screen, including Mark Harmon, Chad Michael Murray, Christina Vidal Mitchell, Haley Hudson, Lucille Soong, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Rosalind Chao. New cast members Julia Butters, Sophia Hammons, Manny Jacinto, and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan will join the ensemble, adding fresh energy to the beloved franchise.
Directed by Nisha Ganatra, the film is produced by Kristin Burr, Andrew Gunn, and Jamie Lee Curtis. Executive producers include Nathan Kelly, Ann Marie Sanderlin, and Lindsay Lohan. The sequel introduces a multigenerational twist, picking up years after Tess and Anna’s original body-swapping adventure. Now, Anna has a daughter of her own and a soon-to-be stepdaughter, adding layers of complexity to their family dynamic. As the two families merge, Tess and Anna find themselves once again navigating the humorous and heartwarming chaos of swapped identities.
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Fans of the original “Freaky Friday” can look forward to a film that stays true to its roots while exploring new themes and relationships. With a blend of nostalgia and new storytelling, this sequel aims to capture the hearts of both old and new audiences.