‘GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2’ Set Photos Reveal Nathan Fillion’s Interesting Cameo

If there was one word most viewers would likely use to describe 2014’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, it’d probably be “fun.” From the quirky characters to the film’s action and general visual splendor, it’s safe to say that it exceeded most expectations. The movie even had a lot of fun with one of its cameos. Most film nerds now know that the giant blue alien that picked a fight with our hero in the prison sequence was actually Nathan Fillion in deep disguise. It was a, dare I say, fun little Easter egg that scifi fans adored.

Well, it looks like Fillion’s going two-for-two when it comes to GUARDIANS cameos, Comicbook.com revealed in a new series of photos snapped from the set of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2. What’s more, the CASTLE and FIREFLY actor looks to be playing a role that has ties to deep within the comic book lore.

If you’d rather not be spoiled as to what that is, I recommend you look away.







First things first, let’s take a look at the photos that Comicbook.com revealed. As you can see, they’re a series of movie posters outside a theater. The star of those photos are none other than Fillion himself.

As you saw in a couple of the photos, these posters are hanging outside a theater that’s having a “Simon Williams Film Festival. The movies are clearly homages to existing films (the most interesting one is the Tony Stark biopic film wherein Fillion’s character plays the titular Tony Stark. I also love how they play it off like a STEVE JOBS flick), which is a pretty funny thing to do for one big reason: It hints that we’ll be seeing some events on Earth — or at least closer to Earth than the last GUARDIANS movie. It’s difficult to say what that can mean for the movie, but that’s only scratching the surface.

In addition to that, hardcore comic book geeks will recognize the name Simon Williams as the alter-ego of Wonder Man, a character who — like many heroes — had his start as a villain. 

So what does this mean for the future of the character? Most likely nothing. This is just a cameo, after all, so it’s likely just a fun little Easter egg for knowing fans. Though if Marvel wanted to exploit the character down the line, they’ve at least potentially laid the groundwork for him.

What do you think of Fillion’s new cameo? Let us know in the comments down below!

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 hits theaters on May 5, 2017.

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SOURCE: ComicBook.com

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