If you aren’t a fan of the His Dark Materials series, chances are you have no idea what the title even means, so I guess I’ll break it down a bit. His Dark Materials is a fantasy trilogy, and for years, author Philip Pullman has been promising readers for a companion book called The Book of Dust, which he promised would be a big book. And then, surprise surprise, a couple of years ago, readers were finally treated to La Belle Sauvage, the first entry in the Book of Dust trilogy.
This trilogy is coined as an “equel” to the His Dark Materials trilogy. It’s not a prequel or a sequel, but something in between. A companion series, as it were, The first book tells the story of a boy named Malcolm and his saving a young baby during a deadly flood. That baby is Lyra Belacqua, who we will follow in His Dark Materials.
This is something that was virtually unknown about Lyra’s past until that book came out, and as it turns out, The HBO and BBC series will be beginning where La Belle Sauvage ended, with baby Lyra being sent off for safety.
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Sadly, it’s not a whole lot apart from that scene, and given that The Secret Commonwealth, the second book in the new trilogy takes place a decade or so later, chances are we wouldn’t get to that until His Dark Materials is done, if at all.
“We did have to take a very clear line and say we’re adapting His Dark Materials, and if there’s anything in The Book of Dust that suggests that — perhaps the origin story is a little bit different than how it is in the pages of His Dark Materials — we’ll either go by that or we’ll just adapt what’s in His Dark Materials,” executive producer Jan Tranter told EW.
I honestly can’t tell from Tranter’s quote if she means they’d go with a potentially-erroneous interpretation of how events happened if it was mentioned in His Dark Materials as such, but I can only assume they’d try to keep things as open as possible. If this show turns out to be a hit for them, they could always revisit a companion series down the line.
What do you think of this revelation? Let us know down below!
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