MARVEL MULTIVERSE MONDAYS is the latest podcast from LRM, guiding you through the latest phase of the ever growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the latest episode of a Disney+ show to a feature film by Marvel Studios (…or Sony….), we’ve got you covered with inciteful recaps, Easter eggs, and further MCU speculation!
Nick, co-creator of Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, and Kyle Malone, creator of podcasts including LRMornings, will be here for you every Monday; your guides to the MCU!
This week, Coots (@CootsBrandon) again joins hosts Kyle and Nick (@geekyNICKDOLL) to review the third episode of WandaVision (ThatKyleMalone), “Now In Color.” The latest, updated predications follow.
RELATED: WANDAVISION Eps 1 & 2 – Easter Eggs, Predictions & More! | Marvel Multiverse Mondays
Have you checked out LRM Online’s official podcasts and videos on The Genreverse Podcast Network? Available on YouTube and all your favorite podcast apps, This multimedia empire includes The Daily CoG, Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, GeekScholars Movie News, Anime-Versal Review Podcast, and our Star Wars dedicated podcast The Cantina. Check it out by listening on all your favorite podcast apps, or watching on YouTube!
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