Ian McKellen Says The Hunt For Gollum Is Planned As Two Movies

The Lord of the Rings star Ian McKellen says The Hunt for Gollum is planned as two movies from what he's been told.

The Lord of the Rings star Ian McKellen says The Hunt for Gollum is planned as two movies from what he’s been told. Of course we knew the movie was in development. We also know the intention is to have McKellen and possibly Viggo Mortensen reprise their roles. Director Andy Serkis will once again play title character Gollum.

McKellen made an appearance on UK TV show This Morning. You can check out the interview in the video below, or rad on for the important parts about the new film.

“Well, all I know is that they called me up and said these films were going to happen, that [they’re] mainly going to be about Gollum. Andy Serkis who played Gollum is going to direct, and there will be a script arriving sometime in the new year…and then I’ll judge whether I want to go back [Laughs].”

“I’m told it’s two films. I probably shouldn’t be saying this [Laughs]. But I haven’t read the script, and I don’t know when it is, and I don’t even know where it will be filmed.”

Hmm, I’m not enthused about stretching this already dubious story out into two movies. If one were to watch the completed saga after this duology is finished it would be eight movies. Therefore, out of eight cinematic entries, the actual Lord of the Rings Trilogy would only take up three. The Hobbit and an off-screen event from the trilogy take up the remaining five slots. Let’s face it, there’s no need for these movies other than WB/D being desperate to make more cash from the franchise.

What’s next, a trilogy around all the Elves leaving the Grey Havens?

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McKellen does not like the idea of someone else playing Gandalf. Let’s hope it hasn’t already happened win The Rings of Power from Amazon.

“I would love to go back to New Zealand, number one. I also don’t like the idea of anybody else playing Gandalf.” However, when the hosts exclaimed no one else could ever play Gandalf McKellen replied; “Don’t forget there were two Dumbledores.”

I dunno, I think the LOTR movies were a reasonably faithful adaptation that occasionally strayed but more often than not stuck to the books upon which they were based. Ever since those movies though, every single other projects involving Middle-earth has tried to invent a new story. We stray farther and farther from Tolkien’s actual works and the more we do the less interested I become.

There’s a whole generation of The Lord of the Rings fans who have never read a word Tolkien wrote. I spend too much time correcting newer fans online these days. Mostly about their misconceptions due to changes made for the movies.

Can’t get excited for this one at all.

What do you think as Ian McKellen says The Hunt for Gollum is planned as two movies? As always, leave any thoughts below.

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