Is a live-action Secret Wars movie being developed by Marvel Studios? Honestly I would have said yes, before this story even materialized. For a start we know that The Russos and their writing partners Markus and McFeeley have already said they’d come back to Marvel Studios for Secret Wars. It would be crazy for Kevin Feige not to have that possibility at the back of his mind. Secret Wars could be a double-event, or a trilogy to rival Infinity War and Endgame. Though how far away this could be in the future is currently up in the air? Maybe this is another 10 years away? Maybe the current Kang multiverse plot will lead to a Secret Wars more like the 2015 run by Jonathan Hickman, as opposed to the original by Jim Shooter in the 80’s?
However even that Hickman version takes a lot of elements from Jim Shooter’s comic. The Secret Wars creator made a recent appearance at Megacon and revealed that Marvel Studios had been in touch to secure the rights to Secret Wars. Thanks to CBR for the details of what Shooter said at the con. Shooter, whilst not sure they needed his permission, was keen to take the money and run as it were. However previous to this Shooter had rejected an offer of $10,000 to write a novelization of the story, also at the request of Marvel. Though Shooter points out the previous visitor from Marvel was a clown.
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David Bogart of Marvel apologized and offered Shooter money for the characters Beyonder, Titania, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man’s black symbiote costume or any other Secret Wars characters. When Shooter pointed out they didn’t really have to pay him to use these characters Bogart told him, to to “take the money, dummy” so he did.
“This means you’re making a movie, right?” Shooter asked. “I’m not allowed to tell you that,” Bogart reportedly replied. Shooter followed that up with, “Well, I think you just did.”
All in all, this is hardly an unusual practice and likely something similar happened with Jim Starlin, and various other creators. However, what is clear is that Marvel studios is making sure that when they want to do Secret Wars, they can do it the way they want with no obstacles. When they make Secret Wars, or which version they follow more closely, remains unclear?
Is a live-action Secret Wars movie being developed by Marvel Studios? You betcha! Sound off below.
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