From everything we’ve heard over the past year, it sounds like Ben Affleck is well on his way out the door for the DC Extended Universe. But of course, the role itself is much bigger than any one actor, and once Affleck steps down, there is sure to be someone to step in in his place.
But who could it be? Some have pointed to Jake Gyllenhaal as the potential follow-up Batman, but according to Radar Online, there is one actor who is trying his darndest to get the gig: Jon Hamm.
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According to one source:
“Jon’s gunning hard for the role. They enjoyed working together and have been on good terms ever since [working on The Town together]. But Jon knows Ben has faced some criticism over Batman v Superman and Justice League, and frankly thinks he’d be better suited for the job. This is business for Jon — not personal. Of course, Ben’s not officially out of the role yet. but the writing’s on the wall, and Jon’s desperate for the gig — friend or not. Things have been going great for Jon since Mad Men wrapped. An iconic part like this would take his career to the next level. He doesn’t care whose toes he has to tread on to get there.”
But what does director Matt Reeves have to say about all this? Wasn’t he considering Gyllenhaal, as mentioned above? The source delved into that as well.
“Matt thinks Jon is charming and was a big fan of Mad Men, so it seems like a great transition to him. Jake Gyllenhaal has also been chasing the role, and Matt has definitely been considering him. But Jon is closer to Ben’s age and look, and will be a smoother replacement to fit into the plans already in place.”
What do you think of Jon Hamm taking over for the role of Batman? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Radar Online