
Kathleen Kennedy Confirms They Are Working On A Star Wars Project Set In The Old Republic

Ever since the classic games were released of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Fans have hoped that one day those stories may make their way onto cinema screens. There has been many rumors already that Game of Thrones showrunners Benioff and Weiss would be working on this time period for their Star Wars project, but really nothing more than rumors for now.

However, Kathleen Kennedy has now confirmed that they are looking at something from this period. Speaking with MTV News Kennedy mentioned several vague clues as to what comes next and one of those was something set in the Old Republic timeline. You can catch the video in the social media link below, but here is what Kennedy said.

“You know we talk about that all the time. Yes, we are developing something to look at. Right now, I have no idea where things might fall, but we have to be careful that there is a cadence to Star Wars that doesn’t feel like too much.”

Interesting choice of words and it definitely leaves us with no further clues as to whether this would be a movie or a TV project. Personally I think Benioff and Weiss are ideal for that less heroic period where there were many Sith Lords vying for power, in fact it feels a little Game of Thrones itself.

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However, just because I think it would be cool, doesn’t mean that’s what Benioff and Weiss are working on, I guess we will just have to wait to find out where the Star Wars universe goes after the Skywalker saga has ended. We already know of two TV projects for sure, that being The Mandalorian and the Cassian Andor show.

What do you think of Kennedy’s comments, would you like to see a Knights of the Old Republic movie series? Share your fantasies in the usual spot below.

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