Though many fans perpetuate the DC vs Marvel myth, in reality the companies are not in direct competition or haven’t been since the comic book only days. Marvel and DC can both be successful in movies without directly impacting on the other. However it’s fair to say that as of now Marvel have been making more money and getting greater critical acclaim than DC has on the movie front.
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It’s perhaps then hardly surprising that Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige is asked about the DCEU from time to time, and in a recent interview with Heroic Hollywood, Feige was asked what the DC Film Universe must do to succeed and he gave a somewhat positive if very diplomatic answer:
“I don’t know, I’m not one to bestow advice onto others. I think you can look at what they did with Wonder Woman and they’ve figured that out. I’ve got great confidence in Geoff Johns over there and now Joss Whedon helping them out, that just makes me excited as a fan to see what’s next.”
Certainly all eyes will be on Justice League as we move towards it’s November 17 release date, to see if the DCEU can launch on from the success of Wonder Woman. As fans of comic book movies, I am sure we all want to see DC become just as successful as Marvel in the movie business.
What do you think of Kevin Feige’s comments; do you think that DC is finally on the right track again after a troubled start? Let us know in the comments below.
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SOURCE: Heroic Hollywood