
Man, This Last Final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer Sucks

In case you haven’t noticed by now, there are at least two of us who are way too excited about Final Fantasy VII Remake. Over 20 after the original hit the PlayStation, we’re eagerly awaiting the moment we can dive into the remake on our PlayStation 4s. In less than one week, that dream will be a reality, and the folks over a Square Enix understand this completely. There’s a reason they’ve been releasing a series of mini-docs chronicling the making of it.

However, with the game’s release breathing down our necks (and in some territories, with the game already out), they decided to drop one last thing. I’m talking about a final trailer. Yup, just like a movie, they decided to give us one final taste of what’s to come. Sadly, I don’t think this trailer does any favors for the content. Check it out below.

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All I can say is, “Woof, man.” That was a bad trailer. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure the game will be great. If the demo and source material are any indication, we’re in for a real treat. But this trailer is perhaps the worst piece of marketing they put out. It doesn’t do anything to give us an idea of what the narrative drive of the story is. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of out-of-context scenes playing out to a cheesy song. 

If nothing else there is one cool takeaway revealed here. We will be seeing those creepy fake houses that serve as enemies. It was always one of the strangest enemies in the game, and some thought it was just too weird to make it into the game proper. Of course, there is a lot of dark implications surrounding the houses — that they prey on the homeless in the slums and kill them. I wonder if that whole idea will be expounded upon in some way. 

Anyway, as far as the trailer itself, I think I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t care for Japanese trailers. Call it cultural differences, but after watching anime consistently for well over 20 years, I think I can count the number of Japanese trailers I liked on one finger. They clearly have a different sense of how best to market things than I do. As such, I always give them very little stock.

What do you think of this final trailer? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Final Fantasy

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