
Marvel Has Had Talks To Bring Back OG Avengers As Crisis Spirals

According to sources at Variety, Marvel has had talks about bringing back the OG Avengers as the current MCU crisis spirals. This is the second of our articles today covering the wide ranging piece from Variety. In terms of a crisis, Marvel are really in one. There’s the Jonathan Majors situation discussed in our other article today. However, we also have a bad case of diminishing box office results and poorly received movies and shows. The Marvels will struggle to make a profit and Loki Season 2 has been the only decent TV series that’s released on Disney+ since Loki Season 1.

At a recent annual retreat the fate of the MCU’s future was debating by those in the driving seat at Marvel Studios. According to one of the trade’s sources, one of the options explored is whether to bring back the OG Avengers? Namely we are talking about Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Cap, and ScarJo as Black Widow. Of the OG Avengers, only Thor (Hemsworth), Hulk (Ruffallo) and Hawkeye (Renner) are still not officially out. Evans’ Cap got old and retired, Tony Stark and Nat were both killed in Endgame in ways that saved others.

‘With Iger publicly acknowledging the downside of a Marvel TV glut that “diluted focus and attention,” the keepers of the comic book empire are considering some dramatic moves. Sources say there have been talks to bring back the original gang for an “Avengers” movie. This would include reviving Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man and Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, both of whom were killed off in “Endgame.” (That shouldn’t be a stumbling block — in comic books, beloved characters are often killed off, only to be resurrected thanks to the power of things like the multiverse.)’

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‘But the studio hasn’t yet committed to the idea — if it were able to bring those actors back, it wouldn’t come cheap. Sources say Downey Jr.’s upfront salary for “Iron Man 3” was around $25 million.’

Many fans predicted these guys would get brought back as soon as interest began to wane from fans. However, not this damn quick. Personally a Multiversal version of Widow and Iron Man showing up in say, Secret Wars would be cool to me. Secret Wars is that kind of story and it would add well to other rumors we will share later today.

However, I would not want to see Evans back for Secret Wars. I have always said I do want to see Evans back, but not for like another 10 years when he can play old man Cap in a story set in his own past. There is also the issue of undermining the current incumbent of the shield, Sam Wilson. He can’t go back to being a sidekick now after being Cap himself for a time.

Plus what happens next after you bring them back? They all cost too much to keep making movies with them till they are so old they can’t handle it. At some point Marvel needs to stick within the new characters they’ve created. It’s just that none of them save Tom Holland’s Peter Parker has really become as beloved as those OG Avengers were by fans.


What do you think as Marvel has had talks about bringing back the OG Avengers as the current MCU crisis spirals? Thoughts below.

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