There really isn’t any glossing over it. While the Ant-Man-centric movies in the MCU have made some money, they continue to be some of the least profitable films in the superfranchise. When you have most of these movies breaking $800 million, $620-some-odd-million on a second film really isn’t gonna cut it. Not when there’s more potential money to be made with other franchises.
So, what does this mean for the future of Ant-Man? In a world where he is consistently the character that is least likely to get butts in seats, is there a future for him in the MCU? The New York Times asked Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige that very question. Here was his cryptic answer.
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“The chess pieces were arranged very purposefully after Endgame. Those that are off the board are off, and those that are still on, you never know.”
So, in other words, it’s possible that Scott Lang will be returning for another outing in another movie down the line. However, what I think is most likely is that he essentially becomes another Hulk in the franchise, meaning that he becomes another big secondary character.
While I do love me some Ant-Man films, he seems best utilized as a side character, as evidenced by Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Endgame, the latter of which had him playing a surprisingly critical role in the saving of the entire universe. It’s been really fun to see him play off other characters, and to see him to continue to do so with the other major players would, I think, be the best way to go, especially given the tons of potential projects for him to pop up in.
What do you want to see from Ant-Man in the MCU? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: New York Times