Marvel Comics is set to embark on an exciting new chapter in the Spider-Man mythos, as the iconic Ultimate Universe takes a fresh and captivating turn. Building on the recent success of Jonathan Hickman and Bryan Hitch’s Ultimate Invasion series, the upcoming ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1, hitting stands on January 10, promises a radical transformation of Peter Parker’s superhero journey.
In this narrative, Hickman and acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto lead the charge, presenting a reimagined Peter Parker as an older, wiser superhero. The character grapples not only with his great power and responsibility but also with the challenges of being a devoted husband to Mary Jane and a loving father to their two children. It’s a departure from the traditional Spider-Man storyline, offering readers a new and refreshing take on the beloved character.
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To commemorate this significant shift in the Spider-Man narrative, the legendary Spider-Man artist J. Scott Campbell has crafted a stunning variant cover for ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1. Known for his iconic style, Campbell’s latest piece beautifully captures the romance between Peter and MJ. The variant cover, also available as a virgin variant, is expected to be a collector’s item and a visual feast for fans.
Jonathan Hickman shed light on the creative decisions behind the new direction, stating, “When we decided that we were going to do a book about an older Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man, we really wanted to lean into him starting his superhero life from a very different place than what’s traditionally expected.” The decision to depict Peter and MJ as a married couple is just one of many choices aimed at making this Spider-Man story stand out as truly unique.
For the latest updates and more information about Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, visit Get ready to swing into a new era of Spider-Man like never before!