In a recent podcast appearance director Matthew Vaughn says he would reboot the Star Wars franchise if given the opportunity. I always figures Matthew Vaughn would be a great pick for Star Wars, I’m not so sure any longer, ha. I get the idea of where Vaughn is coming from, and why this would work with other franchises. However, at this point, I don’t see any value in rebooting that Original Trilogy.
Here is what Vaughn said when he appeared on Happy Sad Confused recently.
“For me, doing a Star Wars movie is to play with the characters that I love. So if they said to me, ‘Do you wanna reboot Star Wars and actually have Luke Skywalker, [Han] Solo, and Vader, and you do your own version of it?’ everyone would say you’re an idiot to try, but that would excite me. That’d be fun, why not? Bond … you ask me who is going to play the next Wolverine, why are these characters so hallowed that, from 1977, you can’t redo it for a new audience? Star Wars is the Skywalker family. And that’s where, I think, they’ve gone wrong because they’ve forgotten … And they’ve done brilliantly in the TV [world], but it needs an epic new film and that’s what I would do.”
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No thanks, sorry! Those original films may have aged a little, but they also have a timeless qualify to them which I think still stands up. This would be like a bad adaptation of a book. I can imagine every time there was a change in story people would react badly. It would also start a new canon so it would end the current universe completely. Even a shot for shot remake with modern effects would be horrible as far as I’m concerned.
Vaughn might have made a good sequel trilogy as someone who actively wanted to play with those Skywalker characters. Maybe even better than what we got which would not be hard. But a reboot? Nope!
Vaughn knows everyone would go daft, but apparently he just wants to watch the world burn.
“Everyone’s going to go batsh-t crazy,`but let’s bring it on,” Vaughn joked. “Because if you want a new generation, make the movie for them. The old generation can, if you make it well enough that they go, ‘Okay, I’m enjoying it.'”
What do you think as Matthew Vaughn says he would reboot the Star Wars franchise if given the opportunity? Would you do this, or should Star Wars just move in a new direction? Thoughts below.