Megalobox: Nomad Review & Analysis: A Shocking Sequel That Knocked Out The Expectations (Yeah, That Pun Happened) | Anime-Versal Reviews
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Join Kyle (Daily COG, The Cantina Podcast) and Brian (PulpMythos on YouTube) as they take a look at the world of Megaloboxing after the fall of Gearless Joe. Where is he and what happened to Team Nowhere? The AVR crew reviews Megalobox: Nomad to answer these questions and more. Also, we’ll be doing a special crossover episode with The Cantina crew for Star Wars: Visions!
00:00- Intro & Initial Reactions
13:21- Story Breakdown
33:32- Digging Into The Characters
45:15- Themes
50:14- The Music And Animation
52:20- Final Thoughts And Grades
55:13- What’s Up Next And Closing
ALSO SEE: What If…? Production Designer Paul Lasaine On Bringing Back The MCU [Exclusive Interview]
Welcome to LRM’s Anime-Versal Reviews Podcast! Anime is a broad category of cartoons, traditionally made in Japan, that has captivated millions worldwide. The contributors at LRM Online and The Genreverse are some of those millions and are proud to present a new review, discussion, and analysis series dedicated to ANIME! This one is odd though, we may have several reviews going on at one time! How cool is that?
Kyle: A
Brian: A-
Did you miss the last review? Get it here:
Additionally, check out our more… mature Anime show Anime-Versal Reviews: Midnight Run here:
The Genreverse has a lot of entertaining podcasts to offer! LRM’s No Mercy covers Cobra Kai and the Marvel craze continues on Marvel Multiverse Mayhem. Also, classics like BGRtP, The Cantina Podcast, and The Daily COG are still going!
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Question of the week: Did you enjoy Megalobox: Nomad? Also, what shows would you recommend? Lastly, How can we improve this podcast?