Minor Threats: The Brood Spotlight with Heath Corson and Jordan Blum: The Comic Source

In this episode we discuss;

Minor Threats: The Brood Spotlight with Heath Corson and Jordan Blum

The Comic Source

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Jace welcomes Heath Corson back to the show to talk about his series set in the Minor Threats universe, Brood. Jordan Blum joins also as a first time guest and talks about the conception of the Minor Threats universe conceived by himself and Patton Oswalt. The guys get into the impetus of the Brood series and how it is partially inspired by Heath’s own family life and childhood and the Wes Anderson cult classic The Royal Tennebaums. Telling the story of Napoleon Archimedes, one of the premiere villains in the world of Minor Threats and his children who he hopes will carry on his legacy. Unfortunately, they don’t quite live up to his hopes or do they and Archimedes just can’t see it. An incredible cast and superb characterizaion make this a worthy addition to the world of Minor Threats. Add in detailed art from I.N.J Culbard and you have a must-read series.

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