
New Andor Spot Has A Ton Of New Footage – It Looks Fantastic

A new Andor spot with a ton of new footage started appearing on social media yesterday. The initial source of this official post is gone, but of course the footage is out there now. The thing is, I think most fans are saying the same thing when it comes to Andor. Compared to the recent Disney+ shows, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor looks fantastic.

What I mean by that, is the cinematic feel and the visuals. Rogue One was the prettiest Star Wars movie up until The Last Jedi in my opinion. Andor like the movie it spun-off from seems to follow that aesthetic. Check it out courtesy of @newsandor.

I think what we are seeing here is the advantages of location shooting over The Volume. Both have their pro’s and con’s. You only have to look at the length of the Andor shoot compared to Obi-Wan Kenobi. However the end result of Andor looks, so far, superior visually.

I guess a lot od that can be curated if you like for a trailer. However there were a varied sort of shots there, from the close up, to the wide, to the panoramic. Obi-Wan Kenobi struggled to provide width and scope at times and always felt like it was shot on sets. Andor somehow looks like they filmed this in far off worlds, and that’s kinda the point.

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However Rogue One whilst looking stunning, had its limitations in the story being told. Let’s hope Andor surpasses the movie in that department. Rather surprisingly, I am really looking forward to Andor this year, and I was not when the show was first announced. Tonally you get the feeling this falls into the darker territory like Rogue One and I’m all for a bit more of that.

What do you think of the new Andor spot and the new footage? Do you think visually it looks fantastic like I do? As always, thoughts below, or over on Discord.

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