New Captain America And Falcon Looks Spotted On Official Brave New World Merch

Some comments from Marvel star Anthony Mackie on why he won't 'take the serum' and the villains he'd want to face in the future.

We have new looks for Captain America and Falcon spotted on some official Brave New World merchandise to take a look at. Previously we shared some official McDonalds tie in figures which proved that Red Hulk appears in the movie. Those were kiddie toys though. Now a McDonalds image showing movie accurate artwork has showed up.

In this we get to see what is clearly a new suit for Cap in the movie. Plus we get to see the first version of Joaquin Torres’ Falcon. Check it below courtesy of @The_Steamr.

So, I’ll say up front I like Sam’s new Cap costume more than the bulky one we get at the end of FATWS. You can check Sam’s first Cap suit in the header image above. That was definitely a Capified version of a Falcon suit. I kinda think what we see here (Matches one of the McDonalds toys btw) is more like a Captain America suit. In fact I don’t see any wings on this, or the toy which matches this look. Whereas there is another version of Sam with wings. Ergo, it’s likely Sam drop the wing suit and dons this one by the end of the movie.

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The issue with Sam is how to have him be effective without superpowers. The bulky Vibranium suit we see in FATWS works for a normal human. I mean Iron Man did fine. Perhaps it’s too much for me to hope that somehow Sam takes the serum in Brave New World and therefore can have a less bulky armored suit. The fan base seems pretty divided on Sam getting powers. Half the fans I speak to wish it to happen, and the other half feel it’s part of Sam’s version of Cap to not have powers.

You know where I stand.

However, I do not like this look for Torres, aka the new Falcon. It may look better in the film, as the image isn’t the best angle. However, from what we can see it almost looks Vulture like rather than Falcon like. I’ll wait for the movie to hit next year before I make any judgements though.

Brave New World was supposed to drop this year. That’s likely why we are seeing some merch leaks coming now instead of next year. We should also point out that any art used for this merch must have been from initial filming. Ergo, the reshoots won’t be factored in.

What do you think of the new looks for Captain America and Falcon spotted on official Brave New World merchandise

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