The upcoming Superman film, directed by James Gunn, is shaping up to be a fresh, emotionally resonant take on the iconic hero. During a press Q&A following the release of the film’s teaser trailer, Gunn and the cast shared insights into the movie’s vision, the character dynamics, and the creative process behind bringing Superman back to the big screen.
A Vulnerable Hero
The teaser opens with a striking image of Superman at his most vulnerable, beaten and lying in the rubble, as his loyal canine companion, Krypto, comes to his rescue. Gunn explained that this opening scene was intentional.
“At the end of the day, this movie is not about power,” Gunn said. “It’s about a human being—loosely speaking—and who he is as a person. Starting with vulnerability was a way to show a different side of Superman.”
Krypto’s Role in Superman’s World
While Krypto may seem like a simple addition, Gunn described the relationship as “complicated.” The dog isn’t the perfect companion, but his presence is emblematic of Gunn’s commitment to embracing Superman’s mythology in its entirety.
“Superman has a flying dog, a fortress that springs from the ground, and he fights giant monsters,” Gunn said. “We’re bringing all of that back, but in a way that’s grounded and connects to real, human experiences.”
Lois Lane: A Soulmate with a Different Approach
Rachel Brosnahan, who plays Lois Lane, highlighted the complex dynamic between Lois and Superman, calling them “soulmates” united in their pursuit of truth and justice but approaching the world in contrasting ways.
“Lois questions everything and tries to see around every corner,” Brosnahan explained. “Superman, on the other hand, is radically present. Watching how they bump up against each other while also being deeply connected is something I love about their relationship.”
The Weight of the Suit
David Corenswet, who takes on the mantle of Superman, reflected on the unexpected challenges of the role, from the physical demands of flying stunts to the emotional impact of seeing others respond to him in the iconic suit.
“I didn’t feel like Superman until I saw other people’s reactions—my castmates, the crew, and especially kids,” Corenswet shared. “There’s nothing like seeing a child’s eyes light up when they see Superman for the first time.”
Also Check Out: James Gunn Talks Superman Ahead Of Trailer Tomorrow
A Vibrant, Authentic Costume
The film also reimagines Superman’s classic costume, keeping it colorful and true to the character’s origins. Gunn shared that Corenswet himself influenced the decision to retain the bright, hopeful design.
“David said something that really touched me: Superman’s costume is colorful because he doesn’t want to scare children,” Gunn recalled. “That speaks to who Superman is—a powerful being who chooses to inspire hope, not fear.”
A Collaborative Vision
Nicholas Hoult, who plays a pivotal role in the film, praised Gunn’s collaborative approach on set. “The script was vivid and full of exciting characters, but James also created an open environment where everyone’s ideas were valued,” Hoult said.
An Exciting New Era
With a focus on Superman’s humanity, a commitment to the rich mythology, and a vibrant yet grounded storytelling approach, James Gunn’s Superman promises to honor the character’s legacy while bringing something fresh to the screen.
The teaser has already sparked excitement, and fans can expect a film that celebrates not only the iconic hero but also the humanity and hope he inspires around the world.