Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Producer Talks Tarantino’s Flexibility In The Creative Process

Auteurs. Say the word and you have images of certain creative types in the film industry. The Coen Brothers; Martin Scorsese; and, of course, Quentin Tarantino. These are all titans of the industry who are able to pretty much make whatever movie they want with near complete creative control, and we love them for it. But the word auteur isn’t necessarily one that goes hand-in-hand with flexibility.

You can watch documentaries of some of the great Hollywood auteurs, and it becomes clear that with that amount of control comes a solid amount of…shall we say, attention to detail. Many auteurs are seen as slaves to their self-written scripts, with seemingly little flexibility for changes made on the fly. Apparently, in the case of Quentin Tarantino, a filmmaker who is greatly known for his control of the material he writes, he may be as by-the-script as one would think, as producer David Heyman revealed while promoting Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

“I’m working on a film called Once Upon A Time In Hollywood at the moment with Quentin Tarantino and I can’t tell you how he has the film very clearly in his head, but he discovers something and he’ll write three pages and we’ll shoot it. So you know, it’s beautiful to be in a place which allows for creativity.”

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This comment was made in the context of explaining how screenwriter and author J.K. Rowling is very fluid in her creative process, never shutting off any doors at any point in the process. While a script may be done, one may be struck with a new idea at any point, and both she and Tarantino seem perfectly willing and able to make those kinds of changes when those moments come about.

What do you think of this comment from Heyman? Is it a good thing that these kinds of changes are made during the shooting process? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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